A Family PapJ)evoted to Politics Science, General and Local News, Ec location, Agriculture, Advertising, Reports of Markets, L. I 1 VOL. XWNO. 4. THE FIOBEER FBEACHEH.
THE EAECU OF TUB ''r BY R.L.CARY. Tramp, tramp, trump Us the deep, low tread of Cne yean; Ab. who may toll of the load they bear. Whether of eorrow, or grief or cars. of or Miscellaneous.
Dyspepsia and Debility Dyspepsia and Debility Dyspepsia and Debility Dyspepsia and Debility 1 Almost Invariably Yield to the TOFIO AES IHYIG0BATIS0 EFFE0T8 OF Tllg Democratic Press I PBUrrKD AND rUBUSHlD BT L. rV TUCK 1 Office North 1 George Street half a square North of the Market House and opposite First National bank. Miscellaneous. (I IS 0 li di SB 1 Nil' -S' 2 a 2 -id oo a a 2 SdS St S.i.2 legist la'SHe-i- fern a fl ej; MER1CAN AM) INTENT jMOBB CO Sueeeaeun to OqtPMA HQdMgR A Solieltore. Peian-e prucerad.
all aountrlas, Va Peoa la Advance. Vo cbm anleaa tha pa teal la graatad. Vo tees for araki preliminary Mo additional fsaa.i obulnlng and eoaduatlng a rehearing. By a raoa desist oa of tha Coamlaaioner ALL igjeelod appda tons' may ba revived. Special attention given interior.
neo Casa, brlbra tha Patent Olflca, Bate Mono bofura Coagruae, laMugaaiant Suite In dllR rut laics, and all litigation apnortalnlng to lie tlona or Patents Sana stamp to Gllmure A for patopblot of sixty pageo. Land Cuss, Land Warrants, and 8cr) Contested Land Cases proses uted beftire tbe annDepai 1 torlor Private Land Claims, Mining and Pro-Km Hon dalina, ami Homestead Cases attended Lead Scrip In to. 10, and aero ploeea for Ml TLla Scrip is aeelgiHtblo. aod nan bs located. In tl pareuaaor upon any Government lai aabeot to private entry, at Bl.fajior It la equal value with Bunnty Land Warrants.
Set stomp to Gilmore A for pamphlet of listen PtBUIHH1 PlBUllll ship SIRUP OB Protected Solution of Pr6tox-ide of Iron. READ THE FOLLOWING. Wicet Faixuu, Yr, Jen. 1871, Dear Blr For seven or eight jreara past I have a In poor beslth, and fur the past year or mors feeble. My health con tinned to decline, nd flesh and strength wasted away, until' 1 km anable to work, or even go np stain without great and dla- oxbuoatten.
Inning ittacki ol Dalffitatlon food distressed mr, csuelog MUHty und pain in tba stomach; und 1 augured tram extrema nerv-ouwwea, oonatiputum, und debility of tbs system I augend from ireqi of generally, toy blood being thin und poor end sl Delation. and I wee for years suffering About gtah In olruulailon. and I waa for years anffarln all tba tortures of a oontlrmed dyapeptie. MX month ainca I eqneluds I would try a of flRUVliH BYuT'P. and motored ao much box ettt from-lt that I purchased Are bottles more and hvva continued tbe use of the UYKUP until quite recently.
It bus restored my health io sunk an extant that I feel myself sa good aa now. My dlgna-tlon la good ami my weight baa Increased In tha pant four months from IS) to las pounds; my strength hag returned, agi my general health la thus wonderfully Improved, and lean truly My I owa It all ip tha use of your PERUVIAN SYRUP. I earnestly recommend all sufferers from dyanep-aia and debility to give it a hoping I will do al as it has me MBS, B.B.BEMIS, them as much gom Yours very truly PIBOIIIH PIBBIIIB SIRUP STIUf From a Merchant. Mown Siaisxoiit, Mn. Bopt.
Dear Sir It glvbd ma vary groat pleasure to Inform you of tho benehl reooivod from tho PKKUVIAN BYRUP In my own family. for tho past too years, has been In feeble hralth very much deutlliared r. Last Spring tha eontoutled to try a bouia of PERUVIAN SYRUP, and waaao wall pleased with the reault, continued lu im autil three or four; bottles had Iwen need, and aha la now In bettor health than at any Ume for ten years, and baa Inereaaad la weigh1 from 110 pounds to I have employed physicians, and used a great variety of patent medio I nee, to Um extent of hundreds of and I know aha re-etoved mors beneflt from tha PKBUVIAV BYRUP than all the rest together. My aalM of tna Syrup are very large and constantly an earnest of hie belief in the certainty of the event, having procured a mattock and with heavy steps be climbed timetccp ascent of the reidoat. passed' op the ridge.
It -was in the early spring of 1797; now lay in spots dong tha northern exposure, to tbe south the warm sunshine had quickened the early flowers, and the plants began to pat forth tiny shoots of green; the scattered leaves lay 'deed in the little hollows, or stranded in hazle thickets they rustled tothe treed of the timid rabbit in its light; the blue bird was flitting here and there, and the robin was making frugal meal from the scarlet cones of the Sumac on the declivity; a little, glade or platform on the ridge Je reached, it ie a beautiful spot, net over hie family burying place; the old man stopped to. admire, ae he had never done before; looking, to the east, he said here will the earliest beams of the mcrnfng as they slant down into- the yalley cares these elopes, andraieing hie hands in rapturous admiration i of the western prosperity, Where will departing day linger on this spot, while dark shadows fall across tbe interval beyond, and here will I be hurried, he struck his mattock into the soft yellow earth found the soil he desired. HU feeble health would not.1 permit of protracted labor, and it required some days to complete the task; at length be had shaped the htome appointed for all the living, on the day preceding the one on which he had foretold hie end, He informed bis son of what be had done, gave' some directions for the funeral in a cheerful and unconcerned and retired to rest; but ere the morning aun shone Into hie window the angel of death had paeeed by that peaceful cottage and breathed in the face of the good old man aa ha slept, and there was mourning ini the little hamlet. The spot he had selected was on a rocky tract of land that had been granted to him By the proprietors of the town; he had conveyed away four acres ont ot the southeast corner, saving and reserving apiece four rods wide and five rods long where his daughters were burfad (one of them the beloved wife of Ool. Zebulon Butler), which he intended should remain ae.
a place of burial forever. -He never parted with the title to it, and now by a sort of poetic jostles, this seme reserved burying ground is the identical spot on which thfc beautiful Memorial Church fa erected; whet more, fitting memorial to the first Presbyterian of Wyoming Yalley than his paternal tribute to departed children should be elected on. the ep'ot coneaorated to the earns pious purpose by him almost a century before; and while the stony arm of the beautiful-j edifice continues to point to the hoxe of the living God, bearing aloft its golden emblem of onr faith, as a memorial for them for whom it was erected; yes, when its tones are crumbled to duet, may each blade of grass On its green elopes ae it shoots to life in the spring time, perpetnato the memory of those other dear once and the. story of tbe pioneer preacher. Jacob Johnson, An Engineer! lAjisg Wife- That' was a touching incident, last week, at the death bed of Mrs.
Gaylord. Her husband is an engineer on the Cincinnati road, and upon reaching found a dispatch announcing the failing strength of hie wife. The difficulty among the railroads made, it im-ible for him; to get off. A second tch arrived saying that she ipai Arrears of Far and Bounty. 1 Odtoere, Soldiers, end Ballon of tbo-ate war, their ktors, ara In many casus entitled to money ho thBOovarnment of which thvy have no knowledg Write tall history of earvloo, and amount pay and bounty received.
Knosoee Biamp to Glimo; 3b Uo and a tall reply, altar examination, will I given von free. PENSIONS AlVOflloora, Soldlsn, and Bailors wounded tured. or lq)ared In tha late war, however ellghUj can obtain a pension uy nddreenlug GILMORE cckaM pmaaented by GiLMORg a ca Mforeth! Restored to Complete Health. SupraasnOourtof tha United Mtatee, tho Co art o( Cl .1 ms, and CIm 8ou them Claims Con mission. Bnooxg," Bopt.
1BT0. department of our butonoM is eondnotod Dear Sir From early youth I was In feeble a senarais burMU, under charge of taoeame ezper- health, troubled wth humor tn my blood, wesknma leuaed parties employed by tbe old Ares. Prompt and debility of tho system generally; won unable attention to all be aauruatad to UILMOBB Ato labor much, and only at soma light bn .1 ness, CO. Is tha. assured.
Wu dutore to wla auenesa by uml than only with groat eautkm. dee awing It. i Havas years ago tho pa tag It. Increasing, anti I do not naaltab- to mead and even warrant It to give satisfaction. Havas yearii ago the neat Bpriog I ireea Add rose GILMORE A CQ F.
Street, Waah-aitaoh of DlphtSor'a. which Ion my A DdUMHL mik I WAS UDSblS sit np. VotialngthaadvaitlaemsDtofPBKUVIAV 1 eoueiuded to give It a trial, nod to nay of DlphtSor'a. which loft my limbs paraly iraRnni, ao I was unabla to walk or even tanSB.T noun touu'l nu h-ultk Improving. 1 cod- II of toe SYRUP unUlhrqa bottles kail boon wad, and wee rratorod to oompleto keeltt und have remained uo to tote day.
I attribute my urwent health entirely to the UM Of PERUVIAN SYRUP, und hold I In high eatl- Fresh, Juicy', Luscious Beef and Tende iffiimn will vary tomllar to my own with the Mine good reualta. Yuan truly, B. TKARCY HfW YORE No. 83. LETTER.
The Via Doloroto afJSTm YorkBMtvuo Hospital Fallen Angels titdw of a Hiver Waif 2 Ac Children's Ward-Wall tttreet tipsoulalions Reminiscences qf W. M. Tweed, Frdm tbe corner of Third Avenu and Twenty aixtli Street, down to the East River bunk, may be called the Via Do loroao of the eity of New York. No nuch way of eorrow can ba found iu any oily la the union. Ita.
aaeoclatiou are hoary with tbe ncorde of giief and crime. Everything eeema to apeak of misery and sin and death. On the corner of Flret Avmue and Twenty-sixth Street ia Bellevue Hoepital, where the miserable wretches whom disease or accident hue stricken down, receive the citys dole of Charity through public sources rarely comes tempered with, sweetness and kindness, which take the sting of torture from poverty, but here it assumes its hardest and most repulsive shape, sa though dispensed by hearts of stone. The faces of most of the attendants and hsve that htu eh, callous, steely appearance, which invariably characterizes tbe countenance of those who hav? long been associated with misfortune and crime, We are all more lees, creatures of circumstances, and the man whose husiness.is that of a prison-keeper or jailer can scarcely be expected to have the soft sweetness of countenance that distinguishes a Bister of Charity. Not only tha wretched and and unfortunate poor come down this avenue of sorrow, but this is tbe great highway of the 1 criminals and thieves, who' have an abiding-place on Blackwells Islaud; and here too come those waifs and strays cast up by the muddy river, whose history ia summoned up In the few brief words found drowned, or found dead.
No mere deecription can convey an idea of the agonized sorrow and Buffering that this terrible place suggests. Not an hour in the day passes but an ambulance rolls by, hearing some case of heart rending Now it is a poor laborer who baa fallen from a ladder, or been crushed by falling building perhaps it. is some wretched would- 1m suicide, whose life fat ebbing away or, some maniac mother: who has dashed her infantas braiim-out and who creams and pries, and moans, while attempting her own miserable life. Pass log through the little gate yon soon reach tbe main building. The iron railing on the balcony is the same over which- Washington leaned on April 80th.
1789. when be delivered his inaugural address from Federal Hall at the corner of Nassau and Wall titreet. The name of the hospital waa suggested by Bellevue in France, the Ituidseapa fronting the old Alms-house being formerly one of the finest in America. Fitly years ago, tbe green shores of Lopg. Island stretched away as far as tbe eye could refcch.
Here and there the river were dotted the mansions of the wealthy burghers, who found sufficient recreation on the hanks of tbe East Ri dreamed that health could onl; along tbe sandy shores of Ne the rocky inlets of Maine and setts. All that is altered nowi, the vile oil refineries of Greenpoint poison tbs air for miles, and instead of being Bellevue and a. paradise, it la aa near like place, which ia uotf paradise. that other. you can possibly imaging, JwUere tbe Lbermomeler alwaya stands at least 212 above yera Tbe wards are large aua roomy, and If it were not for the sur-rouadiugs.
It might he a desifable place for a hoepital. There is accommodation for nearly twelve hundred At the present Lime there are only about six hundred, and neatly four hpndrad of these. are natives of Ireland. I On a bed in oue of tbe wards I saw a young woman whose white aud bloodless face looked ae if it bad been carved from tbe purest marble, her features cast in the sweetest aud noblest mould brought beck the visions of those angelio. faces in which Raphael and Angeloi have enshrined (be countenance of the Madonna.
was attended by a gentle, sweet-faced girl who was clad in a garb. scrupulously neat; she wore on her head one of those jaunty, natty, 1 little Normandy cape which distinguish nurses and attendants iu France. She had been sent over from tbe training school for nurses to attend thiff particular patient. and her work seemed a labor of love, it' was almost tbe only gleam of sunshine and' humanity that I saw in the whole building. I approached the bed aide of the sufferer, her fie bright golden hair lay loose upon her shoulders and spread out over the snowy pillows like a cloud; but her deep blue eyes looked out vacantly and cold her mind wu gone, perhaps forever.
Her. story wu briefiy told She had been lured from a happy home among the mountains of Pennsylvania by a villain who betrayed and deaerted her; cut adrift in this great heartless city, starving and del er ted in tbe depth of her great desolation she destroyed the evidence of her shame, and then sought death her-' self in the dark and pitiless wateis of the river. She wu rescued by a police man, who uw her make the fatal leal in the dark; -but reason had fled, sue they sent her here for treatment. God be merciful, to her 1 Perhaps it had been better that tbe river waves bad closed over that dark story than to have brought her back to a sorrowful and weary life. Ae 1 looked that sad, white, bloodless face, and thought of the yoong life crushed, and the bright hopes destroyed, and of tbe sleepless agony tbat wrings the hearts of thou tie left at home, of the deep denotation that burriedjher on even to death; I felt that the.
journey could not be long till she reached the golden gate; and she humbly knocked at the shining por lal, perhaps some augei blinded by tears at tbe story of her suffering and gribf would let her Blip iu, and washing her ins away would clothe her in a garment of spotleu white, and would lead Jier w(ary, sorrowing soul to rest in the bosom of him who said to the weeping inner of old Neither do I eoudemu thee. Go and sin uo more. At a little table in another ward six children seated, the oldest wu scarcely three years of age; there were no IliUe play things or toys to break the terrible monotony of their prison house; uo moth ers gentle caress to soften their weary capilivity; no fathers voice to remiud them of their vanished homes. How ap peallugly 'they looked into the faces of the visitors and held out1 their little bands if iu expectation of some gift but they dared nut move. Tbe eolu eye of the matron was upon them; aud they seemed to fear, for there wu uo one to whom the little sufferers could tell the story of their priaou house.
Iu a stone call ofi the ground floor, with massive door and great iiun burs upon tbe win dows, a man walked uneasily to and fro, hie head drooping nu his hreast, and tbe tears talreaunug down cheeks. He wu a 'rich ineiunaui uiioh, who lived in a stately mansion on the e'lUii Avenue. He had his country house, and yacht, carriages and He gave costly dinners, aud his winter receptions were among the gayest fetes of the me I ru polls. He went into Wall Street to speculate for amusement, and oue morning he woke up ruined. The remnant of his toi tune wu seized by the sheriff His wife aud proud west out of their beautiful home to return never more.
And he, a hopeless maniac, paces his cell night and day, waiting for tbe stocks to rise, which shall give him untold millions. ear by-is tbe morgue, a wretched, unsightly building, where all those found dead in the street or i. drowned' in the river, are taken. can lie gathered every day the saddest Of all sad histories. A splendid young man lay on one of the marble who hod just been fished up from the river.
hb wu he? Ho mark, no pap er, no clue gave the slightest possibility of identification. On tbe side of hie BXOAOBUIH I or on of by of bf a head near the tdmple wu a deep and ter-rlole gub. He) had gone to swell the treat army whqiannuaily disappear from metropolis, and who leave no record behind. To-mdrrow Dr next day they will take blm lto Potters Field, ana earth will close) over him forever. But some anxious watcher in a eity far away, in some sweet little cottager nestling among the rosed shall wait, and watch, aud wait, and Uronder why he does not oome: but their I tun shall be In vain, and their brevets shall not be answered, and thu shall see him no more till the trumpet-summons shall call them to the udgment thronja; In the early summer of 1870, while Nature wu rejoicing in her loveliest' attire, down thin treat came a retinue of gilded liveries, felling to tbe wondering, unwashed throijg.thac crowded around the corners and low rum-holes of the neighborhood, fhat the occupants of those proud carriages were no ordinary flesh and blood.
I. William ao-com panted by fthe Commissioners of Charities, wu making a tour of Inapeo-tiou of our hoeiittals and prisons steamer that and Blackwell with flags, and the great men stepped board, canndd from the neighboring shores thundered a grateful welcome. Men, old and young, representing wealth and mature of our city, stood bareheaded, can in hand, be majestic ally passed alofg tbe turners plank. He entered tba little cabin alone and sat in silent state they steamed along the river. lie jnu received by the warden' and superintendents with low, crouching humility, aud scarcely noticed the wucomeithat they gave him ube stepped upon tlje shore.
It wu only a short time aftjer that this ume man went up thexlvbr fl branded felon, and looked out from a felons cell on the city he governed like a But for tbe present I must leave these gloomy scenes for the more active news of the metropolis. Hope dawns upon us; we are not going Ud- starve, notwithstand-the hard times! A bene volant female hu discovered way In' whicb- a family ba sumptuously fed on forty-five oenlA a ddy. They may not get quails on tout, soft-shelled crabs, nor chickens, but le guarantees a bill of fare that would utoniah tha keeper of a second claw bo rding house. I am going to aee her, already begin to love that female, fc lie will do more to finish the strikes and discontent in oar land than all the cnaritable associations in Union, assisted by the Bungtown mill-tiia When yoi aee me in tbe fall, I expect to be fa i a porpoise. My family only consists of three, consequently I shall only have to pay twenty-two cents and a half a da I shall begin to lay money.
I'll grow wealtny, retire, and run for constable' A clever female windier hu adt tbe town agog. 8ho jot six. bnndi ed dollars of the Rev. Stephen Tyng. Sometimes she wu the destitute daugl iter of a dead clergyman, (Sometimes a idow with etaryiog children.
At otheys, her old mother wu perishing for food; aud, In fact, there wu no end to her disguiset and her names. Teari always ran down her cheeks like rail when she told her pitiful story, and he succeeded in swind ling a number ef persons to the amount thousands dollars. Thirteen canes suicide in Hpw York and Brooklyn. Twenty thousand people visited Coney Island on ThuUsday last, which wu the field-day of the season. The weather is cool and deligt tful, almost like the early fall.
Tbe I at mens clam-bake hu been tne event of the week, at which 110 bushels of i slams, 0 bubals of oysters, 600 cbicki ins and other email game, went to an untimely grave. One living nely grave, skeleton who tinned the scale at 886, alter knocking spots ont of a bushel of clems aud 86 ear of corn, went about with I a rout jcbicken in each pocket complaining tl iat. there wu nothing to iiAt. iTtie 1 ia at my elbow howl nit foroopj, a I clou and subscribe Truly, yours, Broaddrisl 'i rt Few poopli are airare of the wonderful progre i that Art hu made in this country i uring the lut quarter of a century. It is but a few decades since, that th ms who desired to beautify and ador i their homes, were ob' llged to depe id almost entirely op foreign artiet i.
But such a state of affairs in this' age of progress and improvement mid not last long with the greet An erican people. Genius from the hu to the West, from the North to the Gulf of Mexico on the south, ana we i ed the demand, for beauty, tute and refinement, and to-day onr leading a riists are not surpassed by the leadi ug modern masters of Art in Europe. Great Arl publishing establishments have prung up aud by various proems is the finest and moat expensive pi in tings are reproduced in all their el iganoe end. beauty, and price withh the means of the mau-es. So that- oo one need be without tho influenced of beautiful pictures at hi me.
Among the progressive leading Art Publishing ms of the country, we take pleasure in mentioning George Stinson A of Portland Maine-, they were an ong the first in the bue-Inesa, end i can only understand the colossal proportions their trade hu assumed by remembering that this is a grea and mighty Nation of nearly fifty lillioq people. We cannot I etter ill oatrate tho magnitude of their busiue ta than to state the mount of oney paid by them for postage etam ps during the year 1876; we have the iguree direct- from the firm, or we i hould think there wee some miatal o. They paid for postage stamps during the year 1876, thirty-three ihousand end four dollars and uin( ky-two cents ($33,104.92) add, in conn action with this it should be re mem be i Bd that only tlw small orders were lent by mail, the Isrger going by ex; ress and freight. George titiuBon i agents are to be found iu ew ry Stale in the Union and Domm opt ot Canada, and in every count, with scarcely an exception. Long sine this, enterprising 6rai recognized lie value of printers ink judiciously i ised ia advertising, and they ib form ns that without it they could never have extended their business aa it i i to dav iu three times the.
nninber of yeirs. A short time since they I aid in a single day twenty-four thou land; dollans ($24,000.00) on a contra it for ueWapaiier advertising. Thi evidently long since found the i oed to success and have neither tur led to the right nor the left. Threi things are necessary for eminent eu ices in business. First-standard hi neat goods that the people genera ly need and desire, let them be th best, whatever the line of business (econd.
let your prices be reasonable fas low aa possible. Third, let tlie people know- what yon have, and i 'hat yon ean do, by liberal and persist ant advertising, and you prices, made known and ig trade that will give than can be made in will find lu proved, wi! 1 bring a larger in any other' A Bomanlic Incident fa the History of Wyoming, i BY WXSLXY JOHNSOn. -j On a bleak, temptatnoue winter night. In the yearj 1782, while, the storm waa driving fiercely jover the hill of 'Connecticut, a NewKn gland a tall dark-haired by her aide, knelt jin prayer at the family alter. She was a pioua mother and as the storm howled iHthout, 'and the- drifting enow crept higher up the little mindow panes of her humble cottage, she felt more than ever her utter dependence on that Heavenly Father she.
had already vowed to love aud 1 serve; and then upon bended knees he' invoked the bleaeinge of Almighty God upon boy, and like tbe pious Hapnah of bid vowed to dedicate hm hereafter to the service of the Lord. Time went on; the gentle boy became a comely youth honoring the pious1 teachings of that mother; and fitting himself, by study and deportment calling he had now voluntarily; espoused. Yalo College received himba a worthy fellow, an exemplary youth, a zealous student, high in bis, ejassf' and jrhen ho stood op before the assembled pit: izene to pronounce the 'graduating address and to receive the honorable title of Arlum Magister and the congratulations of tha faculty, that mothers heart glowed With honest pride for the tall, dark, intellectual yoang man-(eofae aaid he bad'Indian blood in hie veins), wee bearing his honors meekly, ae become ajheophyte of the her mission was fulfilled, the dearest object of her life attained; there were no Bisfcope. to lay hands on: hie head; there jvrere no synods to endow with superior grace the novices of the Congregational Churches where each was an; independent unit. He became the pastor of one of these churches for a few years and prp claimed the gospel, tidings with thrilling effect, but thW young preachers zeal and learning did not avail befpre unappreciative audiences among these quiet countryfolk.
He became acquainted with, and learqed to love and respect the pious Samson Occum, converted Indian ipf the tribe of Metacomet, and from him bad formed bright visions of making a civilized ana christianized people of the powerful Six Nations.) Hie was. the spirit of Loyola, and he knew no rest till be had entered the great, wilderness and proclaimed the truths of the gospel to the red man In hla home. There was certainly danger; there might be death by savage torture, bnt there he must go. At Canajoharie, at Fort Btanwix and perhaps at other frontier settlements we find him laboring in the cause ot his Master. He had secured the protection of ijilr William Johnson and gained the confidence of Brandt and Jacket.
He had learned the language of the Mohawks aod other Indian dialects, and could jfroclaim )lim to these people in the language of the forest, and where 'they fancied the angry presence of tha Great 8pirit -in the inching winds of the tornado; the thunder's roar or lightnings fatal stroke; he could tell them of the Mercy of God, point to 1 tha crucified; Ba vior, and exhort them to tarn from their av'sge and trust the all-healing blood Jesus shed upon the cross, aa a redemption for all the nations. Next w'e hear of him ae the pioneer minister 'of the gospel under tbe protection of the Susquehanna Company, sent to tho far off Westmoreland colony that little republic in the wilderness about to paas through storms of weir and its fair plains to drenched with fraternal and fratricidal blood. Here he labor-ed for years, preaching to the ae well as to the Indians in Own language; sharing the hardships in common with' other settlers, bnt aeek-not for earthly possessions, he desired rather to possess the confidence and esteem of his neighbors than the rich lands of the Galley- He Iwas somewhat eccentric in his bibits in the latter years of his life, and Wen-ed desirous of Imitating Him who was the voice of one 'crying in the wilderness prepare ye the way of the Lord, and confidently looked fo; the second ooming'of the Savior. He wore a girdle about- nis Hone; aad i hla meat was -not locusts and wild honey, it was very frugal. He was remarkably confiding and child like in his intercourse with iten; guileless himself, he did not suspect the presence of it in others, and was a great favorite wjith young people, i.
E'en children followed with enduring wile, And plucked the gifed man gown to snare hb In extemporaneous pulpit otatory he did not excel, bnt in prayer, he seemed to throw his whole soul into the-effort, forgetting surrounding objects; he was then truly eloquent. Many or hie sermons were poetio effusions of no small literary iperit, some of which, written in exceedingly, neat and and accurate chirography, the writer hereof has perused with much pleasure. Thi) people called him Pridkt, a title they did not euugde ergy. At leDtithe Bounded tbe alarm valley, for now the British and Indiana weeq. pouring down through the northern gap and deploying on the plain below.
He, with other non-combatant sought shelter in the little stockade of Forty Fort; siw the. gallant threo buBlireii march to glorious death on that fatal July morning, and wept pith who received tbe few survivors, 'when aU was lost, and when the terms of capitulation were upou, -(Coi. Dennison and himself acting on behalf of the inhabitants), it wee hie hand thut pat them in shape, the articles being written on that now bis torie little blue If walnut wood table so miraicalously preserved in the general wreck following the anrreuder. In Vie ful)nee of time the infirmities of age creep on; hie stooping form and failing strength admonish him of the end or hie earthly pilgrimage npw a vision uame npun him in lite (tight-time, informing, him that itq was about to die, and certain' wac he of the truthfulneafi'of tho'heavtniy messenger, that he informed his- family-next morning of the approaching change, with as much- calmness and deliberation ae if he wee only to make preparation tor a short journey; and a will i Whether of joy or tears, Or whether life's eloude will roll away Neath the touch of the coming years 7 Tramp; tramp, tramp, Dqwn the mystic vale of timev And shadowy spectres, old and gray. That stand pod walk In the years swift Htepnlo their plaoe like rbynte; And wither to us joy oz lean) The yeats give never a sign.
Tramp, tramp How swiftly they come and go 1 Wo feel but a touch of the summers breath i. Ere its roeei wither and fall lu death, And white nee tbe winters snow; Then vainly we sigh oer hopes bright 1 dreams That have gone with tbe 1 long ago. Tramp, tramp, tram Like shadowy forms of up, the night, ong dim line We. see them oomiag a long Nearing us ever, and still no sign; Aud tremble aod shriek iu fright. For we know not wheel I lifes clouds, fOr whether they bring -i- i The Father has willed it thus, That mortals may never know Whether there lies, In tile future years, A grave ot hope to bo wet With tears, -A palace of joy pr woe I Lest feet sbould faltef and hearts grow1 faint; i 1 He knew it was better sd.
they bring light. An Old Eagtaeers Talk. rY Yeu, Wr" sold aa eld engineer of the Pennsylvania railroad ton Hew York Sun re por er. Georg Barker broke tk Mrik this road. It tho other aaperlatunfleau had 1 hod th min ef Gaorg Barker, tha men never would have goo out on th Wetter a division, and there wouldnt have bean any bloodunod ia Pittsburg.
Inotaod of onilnt. lag them bo did, aad talking to tkoorna one of thtmaelvea (for many in freight train Gear go braked on, aa th old area railroad, before Tom fioott got ii) 4aaiead of that th man were browbeaten, sad I told, TUarea your pay; take it or losv it. Thoy knvo oonfldanoa ia him, nod ba gives his word they know thats to. Now, just look at th contrast ia Frank Thompson, th mann- Ser ah Philadelphia. Why, hes little kiog.
Io etc to talk to him (bout giving bock ear tan per cent. When apt rin tend nt Gard- 1 aer, ot fas Philadelphia, sad Pittsburg divia--. ioaj to him end told hint, Theres gulag to bo strike if yon keep on with this ten par cent business, and doubling bp tha trains so. -the freight man cant make aliving.hs cays, fat them strike, They get enough to buy brand ondmalnaate, and bread without moles-' oe is good enough for them. Then they had a Thomson called Gardner liar, and Gardner knocked him dowq aad block-aad hla ye.
Some of oiuf nWa' mw tbe' -whole thing. lie's a nice plum to talk that way about the aw. Why. he spends enough la special bars for him end Cassatt and winner, with their splendid lunches nod their nigger attendants, to pey tbe men's ten per cent twice ever. I've often seen him order eat a special engine to lake him home to Hav-erford )n his Sue ear when there woe a regular train Imving five oriet minutes altar-ward.
Yes, and Ive heard the mas cures him for it, toe. tie's the man that brought over these English uniforms for the eonduet-ore. He brought ever a uniform of the London an d. orth wsateru railway, I believe it wee, for pattern, aad mod th eonduetore wear them during all that Centennial travel. An English uniform was a nice thing, wasnt It, for tho road that earned the people te tbe American Centennial? Than he made them sorry a bag strapped over their shoulders -like the Kuglish eonduetore do.
That show- -sd hu ignorance, Tha English euhduMora, you see, have to wola around the eutoide of tho ear on a narrow footboard to eolleot their tieheis, aud the bag is handy for them; but its no use te a conductor on our roads, and -they beta to be made lodk like flunkies. Iye heard them swear about It often. lMThcn Thomson must have his train agents to' keep the eonduetore from knoeking down; end lu kept em until be found em eat in a regular eonspiraey to rub tbe road by wholesale. Now ha'a getting them off gradually; and they say he's drilling a lot ot fallow on what be nolle the Austrian lyitam. Theyre beard, tbe trains and go vsr tbe eonflues tors accounts yen never saw sueh red tap 4 they got now for tbe eonduotors.
boms of urn me they earry printed stationery in them begs that eoste enough lo run an ordinary The Mato Thompson, If they had caught him al Pittsburg they would have bung him to a lamp PMi. They did burn up his fine ear there; and run hie uigger for bib Hie. I duaft say that was rigui; but I tali you wbat it is, the eempoay oouidut do a better thing than to take th Uviee their inen at liqrneburg gave them. They passed reiolutioiil asking tbe eompasy to discharge the manager hi Philadelphia. Thats what they ought to do, Let them put somebody there tbat -will uq man tike men.
Nn'W(j uwn iim vui I theY wouldn't hav np strikes. I A BBAKSMASS OfOBT, I A braksmoa on tha New York dtvioioa hoc also boou oxproseisg hints elf very frooly to a lYibune reporUr. With ref erase to tho nsoosaiiy of retrenehoiout and tho argument that tho directors are trastoue of other poo, pies proportjr, ho complains of oxtravaghaca among theca traatoes. is irritating lose the money, which -is whittled from onr wages by theM magnates, spent with open-headed liberty (o gratify their owa lore of-diepley aad sumptuous pleasure. IKight boro, into this Jersey City depot, their com at feast dOMU private ears, each otj which bet ong ala some grandee on ono of the.
lines In this Empty Pullman ooaehe or ruoning every hoar but th railroad pasha must have a ear ot bis own, lia ma) have but ear all to himself, or ha may, all hla friends with him. Th supplieq which are fkiraiah-to the luxurious trsveicre are not sueh ss the families of trakemen litabilually aujoy, but they are luxurious' meals, in Mveroi artist ip courses, with wiuee to suit, and alt are charged to tho oompany.t The oocupaols aomeiimM live in thee uooohes for days together, and they (the ooephee) are always puiqauaes here. They arq in everybody's way, aud somebody is kept witching aad booking and hauling thomi about until they are coupled lo au outgoing drain, aad ou the way, to another yard. Thp actual espouse of a round trip from Failed iphia to Now York for pn of thee oars ie at a niodetat estimate, and when forty or $fty suolt trips are ms4 in a month, baeidosi voyages to other plaqra, a clean gl.OJO ia w)ped out. but there are still mor( expeditious methods than this of bringing about nu alarming shrinkage of values in I railroad Moosn.
Private oars are not suifimonily'dialinguialte ad jlo gra'iiy tho moat gjpmurioua ofltmala. They must have apecial trains, and every thipg must clear tbe track- for them, Mr, 4-thioke no more of ordering locomotive 1 1001- hooked np to oar' Uduil that tuuii of ordering bia coachman to harneaa hi bay mar to bis road wagon for a drive. Last wiqier ha used ta roil from Pniiadaiphia to New York iu this grand ptyl to attend th ibe opora, whenever the performance promised to bo auSidienlly attractive for km elegant taste, and then he wouid steam back alter it waa over. It omm about $ldi to make tho run, and five or six speotalB a oiopth knook the bottoiq out of another 81,000. Now a (nonlh for private cars and specials ia rather precipitous.
It i leu per sent, of $20,006, or tho pay of 4JU moil at $30 per month. And this amount saying that tbe ten per chat coved by redua lag tho wages rf 400 mien on this division never gets aa fair ae lb stockholder, bnt it U-ohorged up in a couple ef items to iho vanity and acoountl QA Ntw York editor Tfijoloee.be cause a just and diBor.fatuatiug flash cl i liifhtniug struck a uan who wafi playing the concertina at hla rout door. Tv Dsuoouamo nw la published every TRIDAY, st tbe. low rate of St SO syear, If paid of advaxob. sot paid until tbe end of the year will be charged.
Ns aubacriptloa will be taken fora leas period than three months, aod none aan be withdrawn until an arrearages are paid. A failure to direct a dlaeoatlnuanoe at the expiration of the tena aubaerlbad for. will be eoa alderedae a new engagement. ratjw or ADTXRTIsmO. One iqaare It Unes nonparlel Iwertions filJMi Ouaaqoafa 4 tlmea 1 1, to.
mouths. aiiOKTua. Into. One square bau 1 4 oe fcuo Fourth eoluina l.uu is.ee tsee Half- is.eo asoe. as oo Oue sene aa.oo bum Miscellaneous ORTH GERMAN LLOTD Ruxusiimu BALTIMORE 4 BREMEN The Sere Steamers of the North GarmaaUoyd.
BRAUN BCKW HO HALTIMORX CRUX OHIO Leipzig Car. VnniMi Carr. Jaaata Car Aeaaaeaaa tiarr Puns Carr Mavaa Can. Homes. of MOOToaaaud TOO Horae Tower will run regular hr helrweaa Bremen and Baltlmoreaa blswa: prom RaJlunora July M.
Aug. e. avnm Krcmea. BRAUNSCH 119 July 4, MUKNBKEG IS, OHIO Ang.l BUAUffSCHWXIQ 1. NUUNBBRG Ohio Sen.
in, And thaiualtaa frou Bra mas Wednesday and from Baltimore Thursday, at P. M. Staemare marked thus Cl tall at Southampton aaminffi WMtWitfd. Tha atsaamn Leipzig and Baltimore Barry a leer aga Paaacngura ooly. maapm PRICN OY PHB8AGB1 From Baltimore to Breams i Oabln pM gala; Stoerags $30 surruaey.
tram Bramou Houtbampton, London and Havre to Baltimore, Cabin (IUU; Steerage KIO, In currency. Hound trip In Stoaraao, 4M.40. Ohildron be tween oas and ton yaars, half nrtee; overlyaar, eunraney. Aa axperlaacefl surgeon la attaohad to cash vassal Tor might or paasaga apply to tbe Agent A. DC HUM A KB A Vo.
South Qay fftrsat, Baltimore. WROBBKT r. rOLAOK, baa baoa r-- pointed Agent by tho al ova Com pa ay, for York Co. Parsoss desiring any la form at Ion relation to tho Ltaaof Bteemsrs, will call on Mr. Polaek, who will bh pltuaad to make them aeauainlod with all par -leulara In relation to it.
iL Ooubli ibis and Single Barrel Breech and Masala Loading. SHOT GUNS WTTT.ua, nSTQLS A POBTSMBVS GOODS, Wniob ha la offering on tkamoat favorable term. waoleaalo and retail. Having beau long established. and arebasara that ara surpaaaad by uona.
With slocara thanks for I lie vary liberal patronage af the past, and by strict and prompt attention to i a hopes to merit a continuance of the same In tutors, and customers may rely on getting i nod irttolHs Sou made to Order and Ropalrad the boat aeptw BA1LRO AS. wiXTKR TIMB TABLB. Vina traias to Philadelphia, six trains to Pittsburg, elg trains to Mqw York, and oue train to ON and after1 May Utb. WIT. 'tho Passenger Trains of tho Pennsylvania Railroad Company will depart from Harrisburg and arrive at Philadelphia Vaw York.
PltUbnrandgrle aa followax fHUMpMm Jkprm daily (exoopt mondaf) at f.Wa. arrives at Pklladelpkla jm A. and Vaw York at It. IS a. M.
fUMadsli at AM a arrives at Philadelphia at TAB a. and Vaw York at le.M a. m. 'jforrftterg gXprvm dally (exoept Sunday) at AM a. arrlvea at phlladalphin at ISA a.
p-, and Vaw York at 1A p. nu -ar a -l rfllsi rr -iT-f I copnaotlng hr Pklla-ly (except gaaday) at Lue a arrives del Iphia, dally (axeapt ua Lanoaatarate.es a. fian-r-rr fVMn vte Columbia, dally (aviopt tan-day at TAB a. with tbrougb oar for Pallartel-hla; and arrives at Philadelphia at 110 p. m.
aad daily Pblladolpbla at BAB p. and N. York, ptASBp. mjWbutoien Ixpnt dally (except Sunday) Bldt p. arrives at Philadelphia at a-00 p.m., aad Maw Tort at WAS p.
m. 1 OTH MB iW.W To wo Dn Cmna dally at A IB n. arrives at Philadelphia at T.M p. and How York HUB p. m.
hoMei draemwegalsoo via Colombia dally faxcept Hunday at LOO p. and arrives at Pklia- Attm art? rngpramdaily at ll.lfcp. n. arrives Philadelphia at AW a und Vow York 08 WESTWARD. i CtasuMotf Baprsae daily at 1AS6 a arrives at Altoona at 4 4B a.
aad umvaa at Pittsburg a pusix5gaprase dally all Ato an. arrlvaa at Aa teoaa at S.BO a. m. for breakfast aad arrives at Pittsburg at lAB p. of.
M's JkiKwr Praia dally atOASa. marrtvua ht Altoona atlAB p. for dinner, and ernvan a "SSffSWLW (except Senilay) at l.to p. nr. arrives at Altoona at T.no p.m, for aapparaadar ires at Plttahnrg at 1M) a.
m. Lm dally (exoept SundartM BAB p. bAj m. lly (exoept Sunday) Mlfflie at B.W p. m.
ruittora teiwi dally (except Ounrtay,) at U.M p. arrivee at Altoona i burg at is a. burg at a is a. m. YHAVK TIIUMP80Y, -General Manager.
aaptii.n AftXIR, Pans. Agent 1 0HN Manufacturer und Dealer in LIGHT Heavy HARNESS, SADDLES, COLLARS. Be pairing uenujr end Promptly. VTeflt Market opposita Bonds Store Bottstown YORK. PA- Cheapest Place TO BUT NOTIONS, FANCY GOODSi Dandkerohlefa, UoUerj Glare-, Raohlnga, Collare and Cuffa, Bm-.
brolderlca Towle. Napfcma, Pnro- aola- Uinbrelloa. HATS, SHOES, AT W- L. PLYMiRE'S, 18 NORTH GEORGE York, Pd. aprto, TT W'- yTOVES AND TIN WARE.
persona In tending to go to honackeeplng in ton Spring, and others, woald do well to cell at tha Mtabn-ament of toe aabeoriber. No. Weat Market meet, a tew doors from Centre Square, and examine to handsome stock, and great varlew of S-ove nd bin excellent naaertment of Tin Wore. The Mitod ta any thing to ta hteim. CUAq.
BETH W. FOWLB lurrlMin Beaton. 'amphleU Tree; A SONS, Proprietor, by all Uni hi -I oug la.Ti-lm MRS- SOuTHWORTHS NEW BOOKS SELF-MADE; OUT OF THE DEPTHS, now complete in Book Form, in Two Volumes. Frice 1.75 each, or I $8.60 a set, And In booed under toe turner of 'SHMAELl AND SELF-RAISED hid they are two of the beet Novels I over printed. MRS.
SOUTUWOBTU'S OOXFLBTfe WORKS. lets tn furtr-tno woiumse, betuid ia ereera i Ik, with eeli fill Sack aeeA.ert neat I louto; or In too Depeha being Self Muds." ii-r rare Mate From ton Depths. Thar Ta Fatal To lMt HaUuan. Ted For Hor Life. (Bel the Grave.
Ta Malden Widow Hi Family Doom. TaBiMeV Pate. Te Changed Bruin, BrPny. Ihr Ho Won Tier. Yeor Triu -ph.
Aleaatlfui Fiend. Tl Spectre Lover. PnceuJ IMiknaa Ti Chrietmna Guest, Faen Pride. Tk WtoaWu Bio-Bde of Ll-wellyp. Tk Fuatuna Meeker.
Tk Bridal Eve. Inin; or. T-o Pearl of edhoM Beote era far eela by all Beetmllere, or mjmi tf it at or all them, wfil Be and te any eoa, PUB- T. B. PETERSON A BROTH ERB, BOB Che-taut Street, Philadelphia.
1 1ST iAwn for Coart of Common Htu, 8 ba held at K'k, in nod tor the county of York, oe too Mto day! Meptamhor A. Da 1BTT, to eo JUnua one week Hury Brnyser, farmer, Bering Garden twp. llry LOyd, carpenter, Wmi Manchester. Joe -hi, physician, flud Ward, York Borough, llsry rink, gentleman, Dovar Borough. Gvrve Miireukle.
of Ik, farmer, W. Mane heater. Dl Hhaltx. printer. Bth Ward, York Borough.
Rmnuvl Tyson, farmer, Shrewsbury toWMUip, (let Kaffenspargci, Do'er Mailn S. Crnll, Newberry V. i Went, laborer, Mnaholm J. Wolf, cigar manufacturer, Newberry twp. Aflat G.
Pallor, farmer, Codorua township, ilaay Blareliall, Paredlao Chtner W. buck, codoraa Joeph N. Erney, coofeutluner, (id Ward. York. Jhi Mutter, painter, tth Ward, York, bl mo Guiat, formes, W.
Maneheator township. Jap Near, Hhrawsbary JohiY. Keunby, farmer, uaokr Hyde, Borincganteh 1 Comfort. Waahlngvm 'f JohuComubeU, fanner, Lower (Thaouefonl WUiun Yonng. meroha llul.lelberg township.
Jacu Kseaoy, farmer, York Wm Buiuher, of Oeu. former, Bhrewabary. Beujmia War, J. Jefferson Borough, Ilona Behler, former. North Cuilnru- twp.
llamkon'Biiangler, Wunl, York JaMKHkearer, former, Codorua town-hlr. ChoaA. Klinefelter, merchant, lih Ward, hark. DnvIilBheirone, laborer, Tth Want. York.
-Michel Blind ay, farmer, Dovar Borough. Chis M. Dunnlck, carpenter, Hopewell twp. merehaut. Fawn townohlp.
JaeoUMoreland, carpenter, Bril Ward, York. Juhnllnulair. laborer. Lower Chauuefnid. DENTISTRY It L.
EISENIIART, D. u. 8. Office Rapp's Building, Centre. Squat I York, Pa.
Fall eeU of teeth Inserted from fs to SUL yearn Teeth ti cab and Hiked with heft material at low it prices. All work warranted and lull Mtiafaoilo given or no rhargu. Teeth extracted with: oat pain. Joly B0TT-ly T)H, C. W.
DEIIN, ROKpett rally offer hla profea-lonal aervicea to, thu clTlmni of Newberrytown end vicinity. Of Hoc nun Ulapan-atory, nt county, Pa. York July S.IT-ly wail Wallpapers Wa QirouuTHoup hoe now on hand his new aiyle fur spriug. Ptreuas wishing houses papered cna ea a ikrga rleiy of new dualgna, toe lu vi-al market prices. Country mere home piled at lowest wholesale rate.
NO. W. MAXKgT Bnrer. inking fast. It wu then he decided to run a locomotive? to Dayton.
The dying wife, whose care were fast dosing to all eartlily sounds, listened for the familiar whistle which she knew he always gave ae the sign of approach. The hours flew fast, and the sands of life were running verp swiftly; still she could not go without saying farewell to him. At nightfall, when the sun had set over herlest day ou earth, when tbe chill of death was.eraepiug over her, and the pulses were falling, her ear caught the sound of his ootntng. She alone heard it. aud he is coming: that is hie whistle, And he reached tbe bedside in lime to receive her dying message of farewell.
ltichmbnd Independent, -Tho' GAtnbun (Jonipiler 8 Jlr. Michael Frey, Rattlesnakes. The Mr. Mi on Tuesday of last week. this whilst up the mountain, on the furnace road, in Hamilton ban township, killed a rattlesnake 81 feet long, with ten rattles.
On the same day, his daughter, wife of. Mr. Harrison-lBenchoff, un tbe Russel farm; saw a rattlesnake in a vegetable patch near the house, and call iug for her husband, he Rot out his gun ami sbot it. It also' made music with nine rattles; i Mr. Fray likewise informed us that on Thursday a den of IS rattlesnakes above' 8iugleya saw-tulll was '-cleaned out by a party who had already hilled 2 making 20, and that 83 is tha number of rattlesnakes killed lu that section of tbe mountain tho present summer.
An extraordinary year for thu "crop. show my letters, wrote a Columbia young mau to a Pittsburgh young lady whom he adored. Dont be afraid, was the reply; Im. just as much afaemed of them as you are. CSTTo preveni her lover from going bach on his promise, a Detroit girl al ways introduced him to tier friends I my intended: husband.
(iA Chicago girl who claims to have proved it by experience, says that by putting a lover ut the light of a blue glass window can be made to propose at one sitting. 0Why is a young lady who has just left boarding school like a building com iniitee? lkcauBe she is ready to receive proposals. 0iQ'iiIls ara things that are Sometimes taken from the pinions of oue goose to spread the opintous of another. The best pluoato gut town la ut HENRY HOUSER'S PROVISION DEPOT, AT THE MARKET STREET BRIDGE, York, Pn. He ku always on hand choice and delletoM given oidera from private famlllM for marketing o( ul! Undo.
Meata preaervad In lea until wanted. Glva me a call fur aujtoing yoa need for tha table, and I will anpply It ut reoeonoh mayll.TT BUTCHER A VIOTUALBR. GUNS! GUNS. GUNS! aw and etoer makeu of Flue and Cheap Double and Single Breech, and Muzzle Loading Guns, ordered on approval for opart-men, ei wall aa any Fixture or AmmanltliHi, from t' of Alex. MoCouim, of Baltlmoru.
from toe MtublUbment Alweya a number of gniia on head for lol etlon. JCDWARD STUCK, e. No. 14 Geerge etreet. 4 To txu Woukiuo Claim.
We ere now prepared to turn lab all elaaaea with cone tent employment at home, tha whole of toe time, or for their aperu momenta. Bu-lneoe near, light and proBtabla. Peraoaa of altoer aex anally earn from Be cento to pareventmc, ami prnporMoual auio by davot ug tool, whole time to toe buMneas. Soya and glrin ears nearly aa muehaa man. Ttat ell who aee tola notice may aeud their and teat the bu-lneM wa make till- napar-lelled offer: To each ere not weU eetiaflad we will Bead one dollar to pay tar too trouble of writing.
Full particular, -ampul worth aereral dolliua to commence work on. lud copy of Hume and Plreelde, tine of the largtit aud Ibeal Illuatrated Publlentloua. nil aeut free hr moil. Reeder, If you want permanent prod table w-rk addreoa. Gxonon Srixaoa A Cq Portland.
Maluq pd to tnne imriiH. cbaulib anovx. GROVE, DEALERS IV I At THE NATIONAL HOUSE STABLES. DOEB, YORK UOUNTY. Peraaai duairlug horaea for any kind or n-nge, can prueura them at theoe tab lea at a very low prluu.
ami k-ve the advantage of eelcullng toein frufi targe a took of Weateru horaea. Ulvoue a call and wo will gnarnniee to glva every antlafnoUon. both In price aud qitollty of koreee. THE SEASIDE L1BUAUY, Choice bookil no hniger for the few only. Tha at juaudanl novela wlthlu tha reach of every oe.
R.uka uanally aold from Bl to IB given (unchanged and unabridged) tor lu and oeiuu. 1 1. Mn-kleury Wood (Double No) too a. John iiulifaiL Ry mim Mmock. Uuu.
Jane Xyre. by Charlotte lironte. (Double No) too 4. A oiu-n-Uiltor, Char lea Keede a no novel, too B. bs biack-liullea, Juiea Verne's latest.
4. LaatUuysuf T. Adam Rede, Ry Ueoige a. 'llle Aruudel MoUo. Ry Uid Myudeltuu'a So buy Wu luu Hot.
(Dou'ole No.) 9U0 otto. Ry Mary Cecil uay. lue iy, By Mai Cecil Uay, Ry IkleCulihia. MM. 11 The MlUuu thj Vines, Ry Gooiga Kliot.
MM 11 The America Brnilor, Ry Anthony Trollops MM is A Prinwes of Thule, Ry William Riack. Ski 14 Tha bead Wilkie Cuillua. jue IB Hofnobt, by ifowrge Eliot, (uouble No too IB The Rbglloh at ike North rule and Field of ice, in onu book, Ry Jnlea Verne. 10c IT Hidden Peril, By M-ry Cecil liar. loo Barbara's Riot ry, Ry Amelia B.
Edward a. Mm A Terrible Temptetu u. By Cba. Reade, too Ml Uid Cwrioaltv Shop. By Cboriee IHukeua MM kl Fool Ploy, By Ceorie- Reade, lue II Mae aod Wife, Ry Wdkte Collins.
Ml The Squire Legacy, By Mary Cecil Uay. Per sale by all Bookseller aud N-w -dealer, or sent, puatoge prenatu. on reaelut of price by SURGE XUNMO, PlULUUI SURGE XUNMO, PlULbUlHn. 11, IB aud B- Vaadawater SL, N. y.
a Bog B4BT, I ft0A Frenchman, describing rhea mstism and gout, says Place your joiuta ia a vis0 turn me screw till you catr bear it no longer; that gives you au Idea of rheumatism; now give strument oue more turn aud you have the gout. At a recent revival meeting held at Bad Ax, young man concluded a fervent address bv saying, I wish to be a friend to the friendless, a father to the' and a widow to the No, I dontdoubt you darling, hut it does seem strange He had just explained how innocently the while powder came ou bis shoulder, but the auburn hair on bis huttou was a little queer. CSrTake things as they are and make the beet ot them. This ia the only true nd rustical bilosophy. i.