1. MAZAAR, THIS DAY. AUCTION soN will sell by suctien, THIS Horses, DAY, at and 10,80 Harness: braught Tipcarta, and Vehicles Harness; of every specially BULKY advertised. TURNOUT, CLA98 PONY 1 1 and SON at havo their received Bazaar, THIS by suction, whole of the Materials partienlarised will be on broken to saddle and and Set alte for public auction, as nothing will be sold splendid lot. order, privately.
making RACING MEN AND OTHERS. 20,000 80,000 MACHINE SANDSTOCK BRICKS, BRICKS, SPOTTED. -CLASS. coleus, getting DIGLIS and SON have received THIS 500 Sheets Galv. Iron, 5 to 10 ft.
A good lot. their Bazaar, Shop Front, in good condition, clouy 6 years, by Volpone from Containing about tons cast iron, and in perfect the SOFT OF AWNING. you a maiden. Horse order. bet charm- 3 yen by a Arab LARGE CASTIRON COLUMNS, FLUTED.
CASTIRON COLUMNS, PLAIN, LAD, Orathia, chestnut gelding, WROUGHT IRON FITTINGS FOR FIRST-CLASS BUT. from LaureL winner. STEEL CHER'S GIRDER, SHOP. 10 6, about by 80 SOCWT. ft LONG.
years, Mooredeld from a Way- 3 H.W. GIRDERS. 12 12 by 90, 12 19 by Mare, Jack (unbroken). 10 WOOD PRINCIPALS. 16FT SPAN.
Gelding, years, 30 6 6 OREGON OREGON STORY 24FT POSTS, LENGTHS, 12FT LONG. from Ginger mare. AND OTHERS, 26 3000FT 6 OREGON JOISTS to to SOFT LONG. TO TROTTING MEN Bound and good as new. STUD FARM.
a00ft Wunderlich 8 and Steel 8 3 Ceiling. H.W. JOINTS. OAKFIELD 5000FT 0 SON have received sell 6000FT 6 4 2, and 1 2 G. H.W.
A FLOORING. good lot. INGLES Mr. and E. CHESHIRE to by 4000FT KAURI and H.W.
T. and does from M. DAY, at 12 Stallion, o'clock, foaled 8000ft A T. and G. LINING.
A GOOD LOT. INDONREEL, R.A.8.8.B.); Trotting dam, Honest Lady: 26 BOX PANEL FRAMES and LEDGE AND SASHES. DOORS, mostly Cedar, 1006 life certificate. CEDAR SKIRTING, ARCHITRAVES, and JAMBS. bolds HARNESS PONY.
INGLES by and suction, at to o'clock, Gas and Water Piping. Vent Shafts, Down Pipes, years, bands, Electric Tubing, of Shop Guards, 30 6, and the Grey Pony Charlie, Gelding, quiet in addle usual host sundries. 4 and a splendid mover. CARRIERS, CONDRAY PROPRIETORS, will sell, as above. COOPER MILLERS, HEAVY, L.
TRACTORS, AID OTHERS CAMPERDOWN YARDS Glebe. Office, 78 George-street West. TUESDAY, WITHDRAWAL NOTICE. AT 3 P.M, THE SALE BY PUBLIC AUCTION, HORSES, 60 Advertised st for TO-DAY, principally DRAUGHTE, THE QUEEN'S CAFE, Queen Victoria Markets, GOOD HEAVY CELEBRATED AND JJI ACTIVE and BRANDS line has as been going sold one concern. INGLES and SON have received instruc- Auctioneer, HEBDEN BRODRIBE, my to On sell by account of auction a CITY FIRM.
WARE, AND GENERAL account DRAUGHT FIRST-CLASS HORSES, all the right in AT 11 SHARP. PS. 1 splendid condition, thoroughly DIRECT broken, FROM THE AT HAYMARKET AUCTION ROOMS, and reliable workers, THE GEORGE STREET, HAYMARKET. STATION. account HIGH Mr.
DITTO ACTIVE DRAUGHT FILLIES all bearing the CELEBRATED Sherif': Office, Sydney, BRANDS 18th August, 1918. HIS GRANT AND DOCK, CROWN STAR PEARL DESCRIBES THESE AS EXTRA ONE OF GOOD THEATRE, LIMITED. and include CHOICE DAPPLE GREY ON the Writ Facias herein be CONSIGNMENTS OF MONDAY, 18th day August, 1918, BATT FILLY, KENTUCKY also TWO from DARK WEINHOLT BAY MARES, previously at the Sherif will cause to be sold ACTIVE timber by BUYERS' auction, Orown and Arthur streets, PERFOOTLY ATTENTION. MATCHED. WORTHY OF the including Plant and Dynamo, Material of the Chairs, Defendant Fittings, cumpany, account WM.
HERRON, DRAUGHT Paterson GELDINGS River. TERMS, CASH. eto. 10 SPLENDID all HEAVY 3 old, in good C. E.
B. 10 MAYBURY, Sherif. and condition, FILLIES, broken and to unbroken. year Sydney. a.
LAW. Attorney, Hunter-street, write AMONG THE LOT IS A unbroken. PAIR OF LORRY IN THE ESTATE LATE Mrs. LUCY McKENZIE BLACK 4 years old, BLOCK OF LAND, having Mr. THOS.
HARNESS GRAHAM, HORSES Scone. frontage JENNING8-STREET, to other lines 77it and RENWICK-STREET, 171t SUPERIOR LIGHT old. broken in. together with the BRICK COTTAGE in course ONT, SYDNET. PONTES, 1 to 6 years erection thereon; also the BUILDING MATERIAL CHISHOLM and co.
will bold etc, their THIS DAY. manse! and TIMBER on Erakineville the site. Torrens and Title. to Bituate rail Monthly Sule of their RACEHORSES, Randwick Stables, com- close to Park, handy at 18th inst, at They have already been instructed -A SHOP and DWELLING, No. 478 the Stallions Dick Gravelotte, Tur- Helens -street.
-ROAD, It la between built of the brick, Public and School contains and Raceborses Lewic, Rolled Outs, Null, Argo- rooms and kitchen. Land, ssft SHin 9aft and Pure Goid, Pony Stallion FAROS And the Brown side, and 75ft on the other, width at Sin rear on than obtainable by Multiform -Etraweenie: also the about Soft. The Bundles, Dunkerry, one Furling Colt, by Developer are also (imp.) catalogued -Noela, a In high-cL addi- street, Solicitor MAKINSON to the and Estate. PLUNKETT, the to the Brood above, Mare, there an exceptionally good Bay Hardeed. Gelding, and Ray Mare, by Commissioner, suit- and WRENCH, conjunction for polo.
Catalogue slips, giving will full available particulars the with Rooms, W. 98 R. Pitt-street, Townend), o0 will FRIDAY, sell Lind auction, AUGUST, able the various lots to be offered, be ale ring. Further entries for above the will office be the at 11.80 The above Suburban up Order of TRUSTEES of the Estate late til Monday, at Properties, Supplied to all the CHISHOLM 00., 00 Cutlereagh-street, Sydney, James Steele, rom Absolutely 93 the bed HORSES HORSES. HORSER BAY-STREET, GLEBE of the world GLOUCESTER, Na a Bay of brick, from roof, 4 ato rapturo de HEAD attic rooms and kitchen, close to the corner street, of the BLUTHNER DEAD, 200 and near George-street West.
so delighted with Land 26 leet 71 inches frontTO-MORROW, TUESDAY, AUG. 10th, by Gas, water, and sewer conned 10 o'clock sharp. NOS. Nos. CARLTON and (Auctioneers ABBOTT, J.
H. BEALE and 00. and WRENCH, will sell by NOS. Conjunction), classes of auction, at the Hooms, Pitt-street, NOS. The above Horses Coast-bred them being FRIDAY.
22nd August, at 11.30 a.m., will NOS. North stork, among The above Freehold Small Dwelling. close extra good Draughta. city boundary, and the extensive establishVECITES This ment of Mesera, Grace Bros. (611) in thee for Gloucester, It-class after By Order MARY of the Executors of the Estate secured to load immediately ANN GALWAY, Deceased, MONDAY, AUGUST 25.
ENMORE, NEWTOWN. Kirk's Bazaar. COTTAGE, No, COLLEGE-STREET, of weatherboard and brick, verandah front and rear, containing RICE THOROUGHBRED MARK, rooms, kitchen, washhouse, and bathroom, at the well-made Without Reserve. Without Reserve. land corner has of 84 Kent feet street and close feet.
to Eamore-road. The Each are model and BONS are instructed by the execu- Torrena Title. frontage by a depth of 100 rticular clan the late Sir 45th A. A. August, Apcar 12 to o'clock.
SELL by and WRENCH, vill sell DOCTION an MONDAY, at RICHARDSON by NEITH (1904), ch mare, by Holbrook, dam Cleo- the Rooms, on FRIDAY, mud August, tradon by from Goldsbrough Atholine by Blair by Athol. The above from Habena, Yat- st 11.80 a.m., conveniently-situated Cottage at Ena great performer on the turf, winning JOHN B. FRAWLEY, handy in to tram. more-Newtown, bellowing races over all distances: -Farm Stakes Solicitor of the Estate. at Warwick Parm, The Christmas Handicap, Grand (610) Over 80,000 Cumberland Stakes £744), two miles, beating HUNTER'S HILL.
from Challenge Stakes, at the A.J.C, meet- 1-TWO-STORY RESIDENCE, of stune, slate roof, built by experts Pace Welter, at Sydney Tattersall's meet- MOUNT and MADELINE STREETS, near two Perhem to last a ries, verandahs and balconies all round, hail, draw. bell-lika, the mare a great should performer and so aristocratically ing and dining rooms, store room, bedrooms, d. be a great acquisition to any kitchen, and washbouse. Land by depth of in the Commonwealth. feet.
Rental 862 per appum; tenanted Mrs. Addison. by SPECIAL SALE STORE CATTLE. -COTTAGE, adjoining above, of stone, slate roof, 140 000D STORE BULLOCKS, STEERS, COWS, verandah front and rear, rooms, 2 other rooms, AND DAIRY HEIFERS. 174 teet along lane, Rental £57 4a Mount-street, kitchen, and laundry, Land, 75ft by per snoum.
pality CAMDEN, Tenanted by Goodnell, that there AUCTION SALE, FRIDAY, Sand AUGUST. the price, or our Rooms, 98 Pitt street. at 11.80 a.m. and handsome WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 20, RICHARDSON ADd WRENCH, LTD. 49,000 to 1913.
(614) -PIANO, LONGUEVILLE. -PIANO. PIANO, will all CAMDEN, on WEDNESDAY, 20th AT TRAM TERMINUS. ADQUET, at o'clock, THREE foundations, MODERN slate roofs, COTTAGES. verandahs built in of brick en stone -PIANO.
LAREMAN, BUTLER, FIELD, containing front and rear, -PIANO. CAMPRELL, JNO. E. MOORE, C. W.
PERRY, and (combined), each 6 rooms, conveniences: kitchen, and laundry O. WHARON, a. HANGER, E. SMALL, M. soft frontage to and all Little street, and TWO has 66ft have front- each AND DEVITT, and other local owners, are with depth of 175ft.
one PLATES. FIRST-CLARS STORE BULLOCKS. The Land comprises MORE AND DAIRY HEIFERS, STEERS, and part of 45. and 46, and WRENCH. 50, of the LTD.
Rothwell Estate. Salleela, to well- 5 grown, -coloured Store tion with R. T. FORSYTH), will sell by auction, (in conjuno. Steers, 2 year.
years. at 11.80 the a.m.. Rooms, Pitt-street, on FRIDAY, August 22, at tions Strera, Dairy 19 months, THE ABOVE Worth inspecting. Torrens Title. the best, Store Cow.
Heifers, 1 to 3 years. (600) having RANDWICK. CAMDEN PARK ESTATE, LTD. well- grown Steers, from to 18 By Order of Chief Commissioner for Railways or PIANOS months mand old, lot, all direct good from colouri, the one Fatate. brand, and and Tramways, On account Mr.
C. W. PERRY. TRIANGULAR BLOCK OF LAND, having sift to Int-clam Dairy Heifers, 2 to 8 years, Prince street, 115ft inches along Tramway Line. base line being 82ft bin, close to Cowper-street cattle are really good lot, and will be and Francis street.
yards to mutt all purchasers, Drover In attendance. RICHARDSON and WRENCH, will well by Auction, at the Rooms, Pitt-street, OD FRIDAY, DNIT. NOTE DATE: and AUGUST, at 11.80 a.m. AUGUST, AT CAMDEN. The above Land, Freehold.
Plan on view. (613) Dustion, THIS PERRY will sell by Auction, at Newtown BY ORDER OF THE MORTGAGEES. DAY, at 7 o'clock, Wood, etc. MASCOT. and THIS PERRY will sell by Auction, at Darling Weatherboard COTTAGE, fronting GARDENER'S DAY, at 8 o'clock, Wood, etc.
ROAD (south side), between William and Suther. and PERRY will el by Auction, at RED. land streets, east of road. It has verandah STATION, THIS DAY. at 9.15.
in front, and contains rooms and kitchen, with Chaff, Maize, Pumpkins, Potatoes STABLING of 7 STALLS. LAND, Lote 18 to 15, compare Sec. Dunks soft 97ft din back to lane. chances 10 UNREDEEMED PLEDGES. TITLE or THIS DAY, AUGUST 18, AT 11 A.M.
Joseph, Mascot), A will sell by auction, RICHARDSON and WRENCH, Ltd. (in coajunction LEAST 25 at the Rooms, 98 Pitt-street, on FRIDAY, 29nd TED MAKERS G. JENKINS ACGUST. The at above 11.80 a.m., D. instructed by the New South Wales FITZHARDINGE, Cottage and SON, Stabling, and at HOUSTON, MASCOT.
10 Plete 74 to sell by suction, Castlereach-street, Mortgagees' Solicitors. (007) Daredeemed Pledges, us lereagh-strret, advertised all the in Com- this BY ORDER BALMAIN, MORTGAGEE. a da 13th trouble HUNTING and OPEN-FACE consisting of WATCHES, North of Bansfeld-street, Handy to Bald Rock Ferry. or mil Bilver, and Metal Cases, by English in Gold, and Detached Two story HOUSE, No. 54 to ROOMS, George American Makers.
(west side), close to the Public School. It la built me PIANOS PIANOS, LINKS, large CHAINS, BROOCHES, and contains hall, 7 rooms, and kitchen, balcony with at rear, two BANGLES, of brick, has verandah in front and JEWELLERY. assortment of other bedrooms, bathroom, linen closet, and washhouse WEDNESDAY NEXT, AT 11 of weatherboard, porch, with room over. Rosenkrant ofl the A.M., Land, 30 feet 85 feet along Brodribb, Halt. REPOSTTORY premises, AND STORES, RICHARDSON and WRENCH, will sell by and PLAN OS CAMPERDOWN.
22nd auction, nt August, the Rooms. 11.30 99 Pitt-street, on FRIition, ribb, fr, 230 ONE B.P. The above Fouse in a.m.. Smith-street, DAY, wood case, seat with DE DION CAR, head of White Bay, (800) Balmain, near tosa, in One Brown and James hood. Chassis, ANN-STREET.
SURRY HILLS. PARNAND near Commonwealth-street and Albion-street. case, full BROD- instructed AND NOS. 1 and 8 and ANN-STREET, ball, being House of brick, by the Liquidator, will sell by verandah, balcony, rooms, bathroom, auction, kitchen. in exchange I ah Ofces: POSITIVELY WITHOUT RESERVE.
COTTAGE kitchen. of w'boards, verandah, ball, 3 rooms, and Full valse Record 77 Castlereugh-street. Rentals, £1 188 werk. per LEVY will DAY, sell AT by 2. O'CLOCK.
LAND, 294 AUCTION et SALE, frontage, FRIDAY. depth 18 feet. ended ends, over rity. Suit-, auction at 135 Regent- 22nd AUGURT, Curtains, Children's Clothing, Sar Shiite, Boots, RICHARDSON our and Rooms. AR WRENCH, Pitt-street, LTD.
at 11.30. £15, Roger Cutlery, E.P. jovellery, Watches, Crock- (612) Table Sheets, -frame Ware. ete. GENERAL ROURKE HOTEL, Freehold, at Parramatta, ket, THIS DAY.
estate Thomas Sydney Howes, deceased. ewood P. LISTER will sell by POULTRY FARM. Freehold, Sherwood with stock and in plant, price Pitt -street. the auction.
at his Rooms, Wm. Merrylands, near Tile Works, ent and with the Redfern Mont PLEDGES Cassidy, deceased. finest, Redfern, Te Piete, Regent- THE ABOVE WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION, AT equal to for pio CLOTHING, BOOTS, ROOMS OF THE Haymarket. At 170 DAY. AT 2.90.
H. MOBBS AND PARRAMATTA, suitable BLANKETS, Etc. Piano, MIDDLETON and STREET CO. bot WEST. hear Full on FRIDAY particulars on NEXT.
29nd application August, to the at 12 Auctioneer, o'clock. rame, cost STURE. of really enod awl unful HOUSEHOLD 18 Parramatta. usual wet market. only 214 NO RESERVE.
FUR- DNE tone, 10-MORBOW IMPORTANT (Tor-day), at 11 AUCTION tit, SALE. p.m.. The stories are the work of some of the leading sacriboe, Premises, NORTH 174 and Rear IS FORGE authors of the world. Altogether this branch is bright Annandale. PLAS0O CPERB HOUSEHOLD Ding).
MOSHAN, will ELECTORATE. address the -ALDERMAN Flectors in D. the D. MID- CREMORNE CLUB ROOM TO- NIGHT, at o'clock. All Electors are invited to uttend, especially those who have enrolled in the LIBERAL.
BRANCHES, as the Address will be worthy of the occasion, THE SYDNEY MORNING HERALD, "THE NATIVE dramatic combination, fresh The Bert Baller from a highly satiatactory season in Melbourne, Palace Theatre on Saturday returned to the and was welcomed with enthusiasm evening, A new piece, entitled by Born," was submitted for apbumper house. "The Native initial success promises well proval, and the for the future of the latest effort in purely Australian stagecraft by two leading members who modestly pose under the of the company, name of Albert Edmunds. One novelty of the comedy, smart dialogue, and play, in which dramatic effect are judiciously interwoven, in an outback selection of the presentation "Hall of Mystery," by Charles Spinitex, and wonder-worker." Mr. gician, hypnotist, Bert Balley, who plays the role, is well known illuin the profession as a clever amateur sionist, and his tricks, while perplexing The the front audience, of the gave hall ample is food surrounded for by brilliant amusem*nt. electric lights, but the interior 1s in semidarkness, and Spinifex causes animate and Inanimate objects to appear and disappear The instanter In most bewildering fashion.
whole thing proved an enjoyable performance in Itself, but it la really subsidiary to the plot, and intended to confound evildoers and bring them abjectly to their knees. be Neal described us Blackmore, who land-grabber, may covets the selecappropriately tion of John a Hillgrove, his main reason being that be has secretly discovered the existence of a gold reef on tho laad. Kosciusko Joe, fossicker and dummy, accidentally stumbles upon the same find. and at the instance of Blackmore 4 confederate named Solly Steel kills the old man with loaded whip, and the ter pair of the villains responsibility then conspire for the together crime to to trans- Jack Hillgrove, son of the selector. Young Hillgrove is fu love with Lily Armidale, and Blackmore, having designs in the same direction, is all the more eager for the removal of bis rival.
The hero, of course, eventually Ands himself in a very tight corner, but here the Illusionist comes upon the scene, and not only enables Jack on several occasions to accomplish the, disappearing trick when hard pressed, but afterwards so plays upon the superstitious fears of one Barcoo-another creature of Blackmore -that he gives Solly Steel away as the murder of Kosciusko Joe. On this incident bangs one of the most sensational scenes of the drama. Barcoo, fearing reprisals from the mate whom he has betrayed, starts in a wintry storm acrosa Mount Kosciusko, and 1e lost amid the snowclad rocks. Here Solly Steel, who has gone in pursuit, overtakes him, and is about to annex his horse and leave his quondam associate to his fate when Lily cppears. She has dared the cold solitude cf Kosciusko peaks in order to evade the petsistent attentions of Blackmore, and fads herself at the mercy of his desperate accomplice.
Jack, however, reaches the scene at this eritical juncture, saves his fancee, and ultimately all brings the Solly wrongdoing and the within principal the Arm Instigator grip of the law. Mr. Bert Bailey as Spinitex bears the burden of the work, and the smart epigrammatic remarks of the Illusionist gave the audience plenty of entertainment. It is a dimcult role to play, but Mr. Bailey never faltered for a moment in quick repartee and alertness of movement.
Miss Ada Oakley, too, played capably as the heruine, Lily Armidale, and Miss Lilias Adeson acted admirably the unscrupulous Alma Blackmore, bate who a "woman pursues and heroine with the of scorned." Miss Laura Roberta furnished piquant study of Ciaste Hillgrove, and Miss Alfred Bevan, the aged spinster, Evangeline Wilberforce Cruickshank, who boasts of her pedigree and her hatred of mere mAn, also did excellent work. Mr. Edmund Duggan quiet but forceful as the selector, John Hillgrove, and, as Jack Hillgrove, Mr. Guy HastInge bad a congenial role, of which he made the most. As the prime villain, Neal Blackmore, Mr.
Richard Bellairs did well. with the material at his disposal, and Mr. Alfred Harford brought out all the absurdities of the serio-comic stage policeman, Finnegan, who tails to realise bis responsibilities representative of the law, The minor charactera were also in capable hands. In "The Native Born" there la a good opening scenic effect and local colour, and "Hillgrove's lection" and "Mount Kosciusko" were settings that reflected much credit upon Mesars. Vaughan and Robins.
The play was produced under the supervision of Mr. Bailey, with Mr. Harlord as stage manager. HARMONIC CHORAL SOCIETY. choral concert riven by the Sydney Harmonic Choral Society St.
James's Hall on Saturday ing. The efforts of the choir, which was conducted by Mr. W. Bourne, met with hearty response throughout the evening. The programme contained two interesting items by Elgar--the Aret, "My Love Dwelt in a Northern Land," part-song, charmingly rich in melody, sensuous and pleasing to the ear.
The second was the grandly patriotic chorus, "It Comes from the Misty Ages" (Banner of St. George), in which the great chords of the piano accompaniment were eloquently rung out under the playing of Mrs. W. Bourne. In both items the singers were at their best, and, generally speaking, these were the Inost pleasing on the programme.
The ladies' section the chorus was heard effectively in Edward German's the "Orpheus Summer with his Lute" in and West's beautiful "Stars of Night," which the subdued voices perfectly conveyed restful and erotic atmosphere of the summer night, The rest of the programme contained some from oratorio, including "Be not and the great Chorus" from "The Messiah." Amongst the assisting artists mention must be made of Miss Helena Collier for her clever rendering of Sarasate's weisen" for violin with its exacting chromatics. an cana" encore the intermezzo from Rustisoprano was is more given. pleasing Miss Vera in the softer notes than mezzo- in Donald, those requiring power, gave "Voice of the Wood," set to the music of Rubinstein's famous "Melody in Mr. Percy Herford sang Squire's "The song exceptionally well suited to his Ane basso in voice, the the idea of gloom the watchman ringing out the bell "Sleep on, mystical all is of the night, conveyed with with the words effect. Mr.
Bid McDonald being, also rendered a number telling of songs. MR. WEBSTER'S ATTEMPT. TO THE EDITOR OF THE HERALD. reading the paragraph in your paper this morning it brought to my mind bit of advice I once received.
It was, when interviewed by the press band your remarks up In writing, and keep a copy. Last evening was rooted out of my family circle to answer a telephone call elsewhere. I found it was the "Herald" seeking information. In reply to his queries I said that, it permitted, intend to reach Melbourne. The omission of the two words "If permitted" Implies that am going to get to Melbourne under all eirc*mstances, whereas I AID endeavouring to proceed constitutionally.
I said little, as I did not seek publicity, preferring to discover my rights in my own way. Again, your Melbourne paragraph alleging that I bad tried to induce the Speaker to Influence the GovernorGeneral to obtain me exemption. Such is not correct. I wrote the Speaker to ascortain his view on the privileges and immunities of members of Parliament, Indicating that I thought tom, precedent, and law favoured Immunity in cases such as mine. He replied, and I submitted further reasons, to which I have not yet received a reply.
Subsequently I appealed to Mr. Groom, Minister in charge, seeking exemption, as provided for in the Quarantine Act, sub-sectiou (d) of 14, which, in my view, was intended to meet such cases. I also applied to Dr. Cumpston for copy of regulations and clause of the Act under which they were acting. have since seen Dr.
Reid, and was permitted to see regulation governing exemptions, penalties, etc. Finding such enabled the Director of Quarantine to grant exemptions in case of serious illness, sudden death of relatives, and to those proceeding on urgent public business under specided conditions, I am inclined to think come under the latter, and having so stated my opinion to Dr. Reid be undertook to forward wire to director, applying for such exemption, and stating result of bis examination of previous vaccination marks. Thus it will be seen that I have openly endeavoured to use every constitutional and legal means of securing the right to pursue my Important public duty. I am not going to Ay over; shall proceed quite openly, and am hopeful that on further reflection such right will be granted.
Kindly permit me to add that I am a pronounced opponent of vaccination except as a last resort. I consider the risk is too great for the immunity assured, and such should pot be imposed other than to actual contacts. It would be a bard task for the authorities to convince many who are mournwug the lass of relatives that such was not due to recent vaccination, and hundreds who have survived after keen suffering would not risk a repetition. 1 had a very close call on the last occasion, and one of my sisters showed the result of it until she passed away. Hence I feel that I cannot take the risk unless I become a close contact; then only as the lesser of two evils.
I am, WILL. WEBSTER, M.H.R. REXONA for winter kin troubles, 18 6d and DONNINGTON'S IRISH MOSS. "Tis unwise to allow cold to remain unchecked. IRIS" adults.
gives instant relief. Good for children, good for Avoid Dons. Advt. "LINSEED Trade Mark of Kay's Compound of Linaved for Coughs and Colds. -Advt Ladies' to lege al lieultt, Sat.
54 Syd. Hours, a.m. to 5.30 p.m. daily, till 1. Fri.
9. MOTHERS' Kills PEDIC POMADE destroys all Head Vermin, Nits, 1s. all chem. Brin. Chemist.
L. Malter, Prated with Nit Comb -Advt. 18, 1913. THE GENEE SEASON. GAIETY AND GRACE THE DIVA'S "ENTRECHAT-SIX!" All was galety and grace at Her Mejesty's Theatre on Saturday night, when Adeline Gence introduced an enchanting entertainment of the lightest character, but eminently imbued with poetry and refinement.
Playgoers who had not seen quite the same kind of programme on the local stage before were impressed by the fact that everything was tonishingly well done. An excellent orchestra, under the baton of Mr. C. J. M.
Gluser, played the most fascinating music, the new WolfeFerrari operetta had been admirably chosen for an old-fashioned tuneful charm, which harmonised with the general scheme of the evening, the scene- painting transported the audience to worlds of ideal beauty, and the dancing in every scene was superb. Giving delicacy of tone and radiance of colour to the recollection of the whole was the art of Genee, whose distinctive possession is a verve expressed through an exquisite finish. The praise which Voltaire bestowed upon principal in the ballet, "Les Danaides," just a century id a balf ago, might be repeated by everyone who saw the world-famous Danish dancer on Saturday: "I have special reason to admire you, for I And that all you do is full of I poetry." This suggestion of ethereal lightness and grace springs, not only from ber art. but from her physique, which is frail, fragile, and talry-like. The star dancer represents a pale northern type with flaxen-bair and blue eyes which dart forth girlish glances of innocently mischievous espieglerie.
This expression. and a wide- amazement are most frequently employed in exchange for the smiling charm which every brilliant dancer can exert. The assisting ballerinas are headed by M. Alexander Volinin, an accomplished artist who joins the star tactfully in ber pas de deux, and Mile. Halene Schmolz, whose style is more dramatic than the others, nor must the alluring manner of Mile.
Vlasta Novotna be overlooked. The ballet d'action, "Coppella," bas been arranged by Newetter and Saint Leon from the drat act of "Tales of to music by Leo. Delibes, and the curtain rises upon picturesque village street, with the house and garden of the heroine, Swanilda, on one side, and that of Dr. Coppelius on the other. Frans, betrothed to Swanlida bag fallen in love with life-size doll seated in the Arst door bow -window of the old magician's dwelling.
Hence, after Swanilda has glanced roguishly out upon the scene, she leaves her house to gaze up at the lovely doll, and to dance her "Jealousy Valse" to the rhythmical "swing" of one of Deliber' most famous inspirations. Mile. Genee makes a marvellous entrance on the points of the toes. moving forward quite yard on one foot, and then exhibits all the fascination of her art in the valse. There a masourka by the ballet, the meD in crimBOD velvet Hungarian Hussar uniform, the girls in grey peasant dress, and all alike wearing leather knee-boots, which they stamp In tune to the music.
This forms an animated scene, with Mile. Nevotna and Jan Kawecki, of the Imperial Russian ballet, as principal dancers, In sapphire velvet. Mile. Genee and M. Volinin join in "the adagio, in which the star pirouttes within the embrace of her partner's arms, yet so exactly on tho one spot that he never really touches her.
This formed another technical example of an exquisite Anish. The impetus for the dizzy spin is acquired by a violent but imperceptible movement of the head and shoulders united with sudden swiftness of tempo exerted by the volition of the dancer. little late the music quickened and Mile. Genee then advanced, crossing one toot over the otber, faster than the eye could follow- dimcult manoeuvre, termed by the French ballet the "pas de poure" (with an accent over the Anal During the adagio, Swanlida indicated some rustic custom of bestowing stalk of corn upon her lover, whilst the Australian corps de ballet, grouped to suggest sheaves, resembled (as much as possible) deld of wind -kissed, swaying wheat." The second act shows the workshop of Dr. Coppellus, with life-sized of the doll.
Mephisto, Japanese, and an armoured warrior, amongst which Swanlida and her girlfriends wander curiously, with many comedy expressions of nervous alarm. The orchestra plays a curious kind of staccato, "mechanical" music, to which all the girls dance "In character." and some of the strange figures begin to move. All Ay on the return of Dr. Coppellus, to whom Frans, newly entering, explains his adoration of the doll, and consents to drink potion- trick on the part of the magician, who hopes to endow the doll with lite by transfusing into it the young man's blood. In the meantime, Swanilda has surreptitiously taken the doll's place on the chair bebind the curtain, and the magician is deceived Into supposing that the puppet has come to life.
Mile. Gene's acting al tuis point was wonderfully clever, me abe marched about the room, moved her arms as if controlled by wires, and Anally' waltzed about until the "machinery" ran down, and she collapsed in the arms of the delighted inventor. The act included a Spanish Bolero for the star, and galop with M. Volinin, who lifted her shoulder-high at every leap. Greatly admired also was Mile.
Gene's unassisted execution of a succession of "entrechats, In which at each bound the dancer "twinkled her feet." History tells u8 that this figure vas invented In 1730 by de Camargo, a Paristan favourite, who was able to cross ber feet four times in mid-air-the "entrechat quatre." On Saturday Mile. Genee performed the "entrechat six," brilliant achievement, which is the extreme limit of many star dancers. The Danish diva is amongst the few living dancers who have attained to the "entrechat buit." It 19 a dangerous game, however, and as it entails a tremendous exertion could not be performed prudently by an artist upon whose capacity to appear nightly a long season dependa. The third act conslated of divertissem*nts carried on beneath the foliage of an open glade, backed by a marble terrace crossing an artificial lake, shown in perspective between an avenue of umbrageous trees, with distant -palace to crown the vista. This beautiful tableau, A8 well 88 a captivating woodland scene in the last act, were painted by Mr.
W. R. Coleman. Here 8 band of gipsies, with tambourines, represented by six artists of the Russian ballet. Joined in 8 characteristic dance, and then followed one of the events of the Cygne" to the music of Saint Saens' famous violinmelody.
Mile. Halina Schmolz, a handsome ballerina in the plumage of swan, here suggested the last song of the bird, and its death, In which the little tragic touches and the Anal sinking to earth were artistically put in. A decidedly popular turn was the Soldiers' Dance," smartly effected in khaki uniform by Miles. Vlasta Novotna and Maria Zalewska. The beautifully- -staged ballet classique "'Les Sylphides" was preceded (as overture) by the Chopin "Nocturne in and was danced entirely to orchestral settings of various of that composer's nocturnes, mazourkas, preludes, and valses.
amongst which the fluency and Ane tome of the flute in a favourite waltz was especially admired. "Les Sylphides" gave opportunities to the entire Russian ballet, and M. Volinin danced splendidly, his lightning pirouettes and entrechats causing quite thrill. The Wolf-Ferrari operetta "The Secret of with which the evening opened. Illustrated the jealousy of the young Count Gil, who detects tobacco-smoke lingering in his wife's hair, and supposes her to have a lover, but ultimately discovers to his relief that she is merely addicted to the surreptitious joys of "the sly cigarette." The orchestral music sparkles with the ceaseless babble of a little brook, rather in the manner of Rossini, and when the Countess is heard playing the piano in her boudoir lovely theme of Mozart-like grace is revealed.
This love-theme is used as a motive, the quarrels are cleverly illustrated by an instrumental "storm in a teacup," and there 18 "smoke motive" Indicated by chromatic passage with a terminal shake for clarionet, and also for fute. The new baritone, Mr. Joseph Royer, acted his part capitally, and sang agreeably, whilst the soprano, Miss Elena Kirmes, showed sentiment and genuine artistic taste In the touching solo pear the close of the operetta. Both were warmly recalled. At the end of a rather long but delightful evening, there WAS a scene of indescribable enthusiasm, and innumerable recalls and flowers for the star and other favourites.
Mr. Glaser, the Prague musician, who has conducted the Genee ballets for ten years past, was brought before the audience, and then the stage-director. Mr. Frank Rigo. Finally, Mile.
Genee was induced to murmur "I thank you very much and after that the applause continued until Mr. Hugh J. Ward (on behalf of J. C. Williamson, Ltd.) made a brief speech of thanks.
in which he observed that "to the list of great artista on that stage, which Included a Melba, had now been added a Genee." The actormanager, who Canced at the London Empire with the star not many years ago, referred to her n8 "my very old friend." to which the still young-looking diva's gentle protest, "Oh. don't say caused a roar of appreciative laughter. AMUsem*nTS. OME variety WITHOUT SLIGHTEST FURNITURE RESERVE, EFFECTS, PARTICULARS IN TO. ISSUE.
ydney COHEN AND HERMAN Auctioneers. Telephone, City 1173. SON. Section of SCHNAPPS distilled represents the supreme petspiril THEATRE ROYAL. There was great attendance at the Theatre Wheel" Royal on caused Saturday laughter by its many comedy on pastages, whilst evening, when Butterily the Miss Madge Titheradge Armly held the audience by the emotion of the Divorce Court examination, so relentlessly conducted by Mr.
Lewis Waller. There will be matinee on Wednesday. CRITERION THEATRE. At crowded the the Criterion house on Theatre Saturday nigat, when Miss "The Dancing Mistress' Blanche Browne and Mr. Leshe Jack," Holland and were the encored comedy for the dainty duet "Flyawuy side of the piece was smartly sustained by Misses Palotta, Lonnen, Barlow, Godwin, and Mr.
Jack Cannot, with Mr. Frank Greene tor the baritone valse air. On Wednesday there will be a matince. LITTLE THEATRE. When Milton wrote of "Quips and cranks and wanton and wiles," be diversity might of the well cutertainment provided J.
D. have had in view the excellence Pilcher's troupe of lunchinellos, combination reinorkable tor its clevernese, and noteworthy for the achievements of each individual member. crowded audience bore eloquent testimony to public tion of the stems submitted. Miss Nellie Murphy, contraito, was highly applauded for her She was followed by the baritone, Mr. Percy Mackay, who instantly impressed the auntience.
Miss Ida ton, soubrette, a distinct success in Me," in which the conn diaus, Measra, Harrison and Bette, also shone. On: ul the most popular per: formers was Miss Ruby Guest, who exhibited a decided mastery over the mandolin, banjo, and ay Bel The sopranos, Misses Geraldine Morton and Steele, were rewarded with we encores. The octette, "The by eight punchinellos, was a Japanese effect, which was must pleasing. New maker" Wils the U. an extremely laughable comedy sketch, carried out taust satisfactorily by Mr.
Frank Hawthorne and Miss lay D'Arey, "The nellos" will appear every evening, notined. ADELPHI THEATRE. "Her Iload to Ruin" has proved popular attraction at the will Adelphi Theatre, where last the Marlow Company appear in the piece for the Harte', time on Friuay bert, 'On Saturday Bret favourite story of Californian mining life, "The Luck of Roaring Camp, will be staged, with the hoid-up in the saloon and other sensational scenes. Mr. George Willoughby has the new drama, "'Queea of the White Stares, in preparation.
GEORGE MARLOW, LTD. Mr. George Willoughby has now assumed sole control of the Marlow, Arm Limited, known and in throughout future all Australasia directions as and productions will be under Mr. Willoughby's George persoul supervision. Theatregoers since Mr.
Willoughby joined the firm have poticed the completeness and accuracy in details of Marlow productions, new English his forward policy has led to the purchase of and American dramas, while he has also secured the services of several artists who will stand be in the added tront to from rank of Australian drama. These time to time the occasion demands or the opporfor several occurs. years now. When quite a young man he tunity Mr. Willoughby has been manager was in management on his own account in England, then he to America, South Africa, and later to Australia, where be WAS associated Mesara.
Edwin Geach, Hugh J. Ward, and then with Mr. and Meynell and J. C. Williamson, Ltd.
Willoughby will be recognition remembered of Brat him as is an in the actor, latter and perhaps the His public's extensive with big productons capacity. in almost every part of the world should experience ensure the the prosperity of Theatre, Marlow, Melbourne, with which the now head controls office at the Adelphi, Sydney, and four different companies Princess on tour. NATIONAL AMPHITHEATRE. The National Amphitheatre breaks new ground lightweight this week by and starring several Matt of his Wells, associates. the famous Wells made his Arst boxer, on the boards on Saturday, and most appearance, entertaining exhibition of ball punching and gave sparring.
His partners Newtown, in the Harry sparring bouts Thomas, were the Jack clever Sullivan, American featherweight. The turn was groutly of and appreciated, and interest. doings of Several the boxers stars were are also folamongst them being St. George and Doyne, lowed with keen new billed, sketch artists of exceptional merit; the two English Bostons, comedy gymnasts; and Tilly Bouncing burlesque and comedienne. Spenser Kelly bar, Wilder actress renewed old acquaintances, and were and Marion dattering reception.
Peg and Limit in riven "Fun in a Gymnasium' provided one of their turn and diverting pieces of comedy actthe most has original yet been staged at the theatre. Fred ing which Ernesto and Doyle, Jessie Wilton, the Drisand the Alroys complete the programme. Rivenhall, colla, LYCEUM THEATRE. On Saturday at the wild Lyceum animals in their wild state Theatre an excellent series of presented pictures to of large audience. The pictures in British East Africa.
It la the stated big came that Mr. were Paul taken J. Rainey spent £50,000 on expedition during which the cincinatograph pictures were The secured. screen at Spencer's Lyceum on Saturday showed phase of the expedition. tribes, the Equipment detraining work, of the the every assembly of the hounds native and the loading of the camels and specially Abyssinian trained ponies- hese preparations were quickly followed by the trek across the veldt, and the various most methods interesting of scene bunting was the game view of river bed.
All the were shown. around grew the forest in its a primitive of grandeur, waterholes, while in wandred the foreground, rhinoceroses, giraffes, zebras, gazelles, attracted by couple and birds in great it variety. was eclipsed If this in sensa. scene monkeys, tion was unequalled the in cheetah its and lion bunts. The variety, by mob" WAS remarkably demonstrated by the power "the Mississippi dogs they faced the deadly cheetah and the king of the forest.
Even more remarkable, however, was the ambitious positions taken up by the photographer, who had instance, more showed than one leopard, narrow crouched escape. One picture, for for the spring, shot within 40 inches of the photographer The exhibition gaina interest by the narrative of Mr. and his tripod. Forest Doolittle. He infuses much adventure Ito the which, as tale of stirring Anal story, lesson in natural history, possesses interesting and instructive features.
WEST PICTURES. The "Wamba, or the Child of the Jungle," Oxford-straet was screened at West's Olympia Theatre in on Saturday for the last time. To-day the change of programme will be headed action by which colour-photo. takes drama, The the of place on the Alps of Switzerland. CRYSTAL PALACE.
"A Girl of the Water was the central pie. ture of interest at the Crystal Palace ou Saturday. To-day will be shown Canal. interesting The scenes in should the building of the Panama picture appeal to Australians, showing 85 it does the many interesting details of this wonderful feat of engineering skill. LYRIO THEATRE.
Saturday the last day of the screening of the drama "Just a Girl" at the Lyric Picture Theatre. The boxing contest between Wells and world Mebegan will for shown the lightweight championship of the be this week. In the production of this Alm special photographic lenses were used in order that the most subtle movements of the boxers should be recorded. EMPRESS PICTURES. pleasing variety of cinematographic subjects should attract many people to the Empress Picture Hall to-day.
The Alma to be sereened include Deerslayer" (drama), "The Australian Gazette," of the "A Catastrophe," and "Pat's Fancy Dress." COLONIAL PICTURES. Much interest centred in the melodrama at the Colonial Picture Show on Saturday entitled "A Gambler's Honour." To-day's change of subjects, when Batttle of Elderbush is to be the chief Alm screened, will doubtless serve to uphold the prestige which this little hall enjoys. THE GLACIARIUM. Everything promises well for the Roman period carnival "The Last Glaciarium Days of Pompeii," Thursday which next. is The to be held at the on management has had new theatre chairs placed round the skating enclosure, The box plan for this spectacular event is now open at Paling's.
IMPERIAL ROLLER RINK. To-night at the Imperial Roller Rink the "Imperial Cinderella" win take place. The management and has made extensive preparations for this carnival, it promises to be great success, The entertainment berins at 7.45 p.m. COLISEUM ROLLER RINK. Next Wednesday night, at the Coliseum, North Sydney, poinsettia and fancy dress carnival will take place.
Elaborate preparations for its success have been made. Entries are free, and handsome trophies will be awarded for the best costumes. ROYAL ROLLER RINK. Competitive events for members of both sexes are being arranged in connection with the sporta night to be held at the Royal Roller Rink, Moore Park, on September 4. There will be an excellent cramme.
Ladies' competitions are held every Wednesday evening. ALHAMBRA THEATRE. There is an entire change of programme st the Alhambra this evening. The newcomers are Corrie and Baker, singers and cross-fire talkers; Toohey, Kitchie, and Barney, comedy acrobats; and Violet Elliott. Dellia Connor, 0 soprano; Max "Gleeca" Martin, an eccentric comedian; Theodore, the body, also contribute to the programme.
PRINCESS THEATRE, An entire change of programme was made at the matinee on Saturday. Among the newcomers were Joe Rox and An the unusually Four Kings, neat clever supple tumbling. conjurer is Sun. One trick, in which fruit is mysteriously transferred from large vase to a glass case at the firing of is completed pistol, is by very the expertly Four done. Greshama, The Skinner programme and Ritson, Pearl Livingstone, Mark Erickson, and others, THE NORDICA CONCERTS.
Mme. Lillian Nordica and the brilliant artists accompanying her will open their farewell in the Town Hall on Wednesday night. Four concerts will be given prior to her final departure from Syd. ney, THE JOHN McCORMACK SEASON. announced by Messes, J.
and N. Tait on urday, the Sydney season of Mr. John McCormack will be inaugurated in the Town Hall on Thursday evening, Septen ber 4, and the season will extend to the 6th, 8th, and 10th, The plans for these four concerts will he opened at Nicholson's on day morning. 38th inst. Don't Cough at night.
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